Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Seeking Sanctity In Words


Ï am someone who is still lost in this mystery of life, still discovering new things about myself which Ï didn't know  a few years back. Ï am a stay at home mom for a few hours, a loving wife for a few hours and the few hours which Ï have left is for pampering me. I am very possessive and slightly touchy about people/work encroaching on the 'me time'. no kidding there! To describe myself i would say I am short and fair. What makes me feel pretty are my eyes but if you stare too hard at them you will discover the difference in colors. seriously serious. What also makes me feel pretty are comfortable clothes in pastel shades, my naturally black hair (they shine when brushed with a heavy hand) and my smile. Ï feel if the heart is happy we will have a natural glow so Ï try to keep myself happy always and I do get asked very often the secret of my glow so there you are! 

I know I am a moody and sentimental woman but I can be a better person if I am more soft-spoken and gentler in my communication (I totally blame it on being raised in a patriarchical household) and stop myself from being over frank (I need to THINK before I speak). My daily dose of happiness comes from catching the early morning sunrays in my balcony, with my coffee on one side and my paint and easel on the other. The other daily ritual things that keep me sanguine are weaving words into verse, the sound of rain splashing on windows, reading novels, soul soothing music and the naughty smile on my son’s face when he is up to some mischief. But I am happiest whenever I travel to India as I get to meet my family only a few times in the year. My de-stressing technique is something that I need to do daily for a  few minutes or even a couple of hours if time permits -painting, writing poetry, trying out new recipes.

The story of my life began just a few years back. I know it sounds puzzling so let me start again. A few years back I was a lost soul who didn’t know what to do with her life, looking for ways to make friends, pass time. And then I stumbled into the world of blogging. It opened non-existent till now doors for me. I discovered that I could cook ,write about it ,paint ,take nice pictures and few months back discovered something  else - I can write in verse .So yes I love my life as I am doing so many things now that until a few years back I wouldn't have thought of. So many things didn't work out in my favor but that didn't deter me. It made me stronger so yes life is beautiful and sometimes there are obstacles in our path but the only way to go on is to move on. "It’s all up to us whether we want to get scared of bleeding and stop or bleed and walk ahead."

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